Saturday, January 29, 2011


Hi, new friends. I decided to start this blog to share some of my fun food adventures. I'm not going to update every day with what I eat, because I don't like to record everything I eat. I think that's a little excessive. But I'll update with some fun and interesting days, and some boring normal ones too (but I'll try to make my food pictures look pretty).

About me?

Right now, I'm 24 years old and I'm a social work graduate student. This picture is me and my best friend and food buddy, Jenn.
I'm recovered from anorexia and bulimia, and that is no longer a part of my identity. After recovering, one thing that I realized is that food really is delicious. It not only keeps us alive but it can also make us happy in the right situations. For me, when I bite into a french macaron, I can't help but feel my mood lift up!

(french macarons from Financier Patisserie)

This blog will be an experiment. People said they wanted to see a recovery/food blog by someone who is really recovered and not engaging in disordered behaviors. Hopefully it will inspire you to get to this point too. If I feel like I'm focusing too much on food by maintaining this blog, I might not continue (one thing that I have found that is important to my recovery is that while food gets to play a role in my life, it does not play the starring role), but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


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  3. Great pic, where are you on soda journey? Thanks for your comments on the blog. Hope you're well.
